How to loose weight and at the same time continue eating the delicious food? I tried a lot of diets, I read tons of material about health life – I can have PhD based on it! I could’t say that they did not work. Of course, the weight is reset. Size decreases. But! Then with time favorite kilos were back, and my wardrobe was drowning in all sorts of sizes clothes (just in case – because you need to look beautiful in every size).
However, as happens with us, while the thunder breaks … And then a couple of years ago – gestational diabetes. I was shocked. But my mind turn on control on emotions. I approached to this issue as a project manager, set the task to fight with it. I’ve studied a lot of literature, I have written a plan, build a schedule and put the project into practice. A whole year of hard carbohydrate control, proteins and fats, glycemic index and load. Done!! All became perfect again. We are masters of our body and can cure it by our strength of will and action.
Time passed, but the habits of balanced diet remain. Follow my recipes! Today is a new creation from sweet potatoes – savory Mille-feuille.
Bon Appetit!
baking Belarussian cuisine cheese delicious egg-free gluten free gluten-free lunch Mille-feuille no eggs no eggs recipe no flour no flour recipe potatoes sweet potato tasty tomato tomato sauce tomatoes vegetables vegetarian без глютена без яиц беларуская кухня вегетарианские вегетарианские блюда вегетарианство вкусно выпечка картофель ланч-бокс обед помидор помидоры сыр томатный соус
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