I love testing new products. Just for fun. No diet, no limits, just new tastes and smells. This time I bought cashew milk. I am sure there is a lot of recipes with it in internet, but I was just following my instincts and desires to find “my dish”, simple but delicious. And here it is!
Try very light and tender oatmeal porridge with cashew milk, banana, raisins and nuts for breakfast.
- Use COCONUT MILK or CREAM instead cashew milk , mixing with water while cooking.
- Top the porridge with some FRUITS and NUTS and drizzle with maple syrup to enjoy more flavors.
Fluffy oatmeal porridge with cashew milk (lactose-free)
(For 4 portions)
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 1 1/2 cup cashew milk
- 1 banana
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Maple syrup to taste
- Raisins, as many as you want
- Any favorite nuts
Cooking method:
- Pour the cashew milk in a saucepan, put it on the medium heat and add oatmeal. Stir occasionally until boiling. Then reduce the heat till minimum and add coconut oil.
- Mash banana by fork.
- To serve, mix porridge with banana, drizzle with maple syrup and sprinkle with raisins and nuts.