Hello! Most of my recipes are created by what was in my fridge at the moment. Sometimes there you can find the remains of morning oatmeal porridge, cooked on milk. I do not like to throw out food, so it necessarily goes into use. Every time I invent something new, based on the one I prepare for, whether it is necessary to make a lunch box, or how it will be eaten (with hands or fork / spoon), in what form I will serve it (cold or hot), etc.
This time I needed a dish in my son’s snack box. That means: it will be eaten with the hands, in a cold and fast (snack time at school – it’s only 15 minutes). Therefore, it came into my head to bake oatmeal with something fragrant (the smell is a key indicator when evaluating dishes by my eldest son🍽).
And so, please, it turned out a delicious oatmeal strip with dates and ground salted pretzels. It is the latter that give the flavor that my son likes. (And he refused to eat pretzels themselves).
The dish contains:
🥚 eggs
🌾 gluten
🥛 lactose (if porridge is cooked on milk)
Let’s cook together!
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